
PHP per virtual host settings

While I decided to install Joomla CMS, I was facing following problem.
I want to configure directives for PHP on Apache per VirtualHost.
So how to do PHP + Apache + Joomla per virtual host settings?
In particular VirtualHost use the following directives.

Settings in httpd.conf:
<Directory /www/joomla/www>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value display_errors Off
php_value safe_mode On
php_value safe_mode_gid On
php_value safe_mode_include_dir /www/joomla/www

Available PHP directives:
php_value, php_flag, php_admin_value, and php_admin_flag
PHPRC variable per-virtual-host

.htaccess settings for php.ini:
SetEnv PHPRC /home/user1

php.net - config changes
php.net - php.ini - php.ini

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